Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Save the Date

Gorge Fly Shop Spey Day -April 24, 2010

Spend the day at the Gorge Fly Shop with Larimer Outfitters Guide Staff.
We'll be on the Hood River giving free casting and fishing demonstrations from
9:00am to 12:00pm. Demonstrations will include "An Intro to Spey Casting" by
Tom Larimer, "Applying Spey Casting to Your Fishing" by Brian Styskal, "Sink-tip
Fishing with Spey Rods" by Jeff Hickman, and "Trout Tactics with Spey and Switch
Rods" by Mike Duffy.

Bring your waders and Spey rod! Larimer Outfitters Staff will be available to give
your casting a tune-up. We'll also have a huge selection of Spey rods and Spey
lines available for demos.

There are numerous restaurants within easy walking distance of the fly shop. The afternoon will include slide shows and talks from Tom Larimer,
Simms Sales Rep. Eric Nuefeld, and Jeff Hickman. Plus, the Larimer Outfitters
guides will be tying their favorite flies for the rivers they guide.

This is a great opportunity to improve your Spey casting, learn some new fishing
techniques, cast some new rods, and watch some incredible slide shows. Hope
you can make it!

Location: Gorge Fly Shop -Hood River, Oregon
Level: Beginner to Advanced
Required Equipment: Bring your waders if you want to cast!
Cost: FREE!

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